+358 9 771 2165, +358 50 591 9241
Tekniikka ja turvallisuustiimi TT
Ari Korhonen
Security and Preparedness Specialist
+358 9 771 2533, +358 44 797 1550
Vesa Peltola
Energy Adviser
+358 9 771 2054, +358 40 568 7145
- Securing the conditions for local authorities to operate as energy producers and users (district heating, renewable energies)
- Promoting the management of energy use of municipalities
- Energy efficiency agreements in the local government sector
- Energy use in transport
- Monitoring of Finnish and EU energy policies
Tuulia Innala
Senior Adviser, Municipal Engineering Development
+358 9 771 2565, +358 40 572 2120
- Waste Management
- Water Supply and Sewerage
- Storm water management
Paavo Taipale
Head of Municipal Infrastructure
+358 9 771 2559, +358 50 380 8368
- Municipal infrastructure: lobbying and development, water services