Statement in support of Finland’s twin cities in Ukraine

We, the City of Oulu, the City of Tampere, and the City of Lahti in Finland, together with the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, wish to express our deep concern for our twin cities in Ukraine.  We deplore the unjustified Russian military actions in Ukraine.

For decades, friendship and cooperation has been fostered between Oulu and Odessa, Tampere and Kyiv, and Lahti and Zaporizhzhia.

Our thoughts are with the residents of our twin cities, the Ukrainians living in Finland, and all those suffering because of the war. We shall maintain contact and intercourse between our cities also during the crisis at hand. We extend our full support to the cities in Ukraine, so that local governments are able to care for their citizens and guarantee functional public services also in the midst of this crisis.

We appeal to all the cities in Europe to act in the best interests of regional peace, security and democracy.


Päivi Laajala – Mayor, City of Oulu

Anna-Kaisa Ikonen – Mayor, City of Tampere

Pekka Timonen – Mayor, City of Lahti

Minna Karhunen – CEO, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities