European Committee of the Regions
Established in 1994, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) participates in the EU’s legislative process by issuing opinions on affairs handled by the European Commission, Council and Parliament. The CoR brings the voice of local and regional authorities to EU decision-making. Its aim is to promote compliance with the principle of subsidiarity and strengthen territorial cohesion in EU Member States.
The CoR has 329 members and an equal number of alternates appointed for five-year terms of office. The current term started in February 2025.
The CoR’s Finnish delegation is composed of nine members and nine alternates. The CoR’s members are elected regional and local government representatives or politically accountable to an elected assembly.
The CoR’s President is elected for a two-and-a-half-year term of office. The current President is Hungary's Ms Kata Tüttő. First Vice-President is Mr Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla from Spain.
The Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities (AFCM) acts as the secretariat for the CoR’s Finnish delegation.
Constituent bodies of the European Committee of the Regions
The CoR's bodies are the Bureau, the Plenary Assembly and six commissions.
The Bureau coordinates the CoR’s work, draws up the policy programme and decides on the preparation of draft opinions. The Bureau’s Finnish members are Mr Markku Markkula and Mr Pekka Komu.
Plenary Assembly
The Plenary Assembly meets 5-6 times a year and it is attended by all CoR members.
The CoR's work is organised in six commissions, which draw up draft opinions and organise conferences relating to their own area of responsibility.
Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER):
The COTER commission’s Finnish members are Mr Pekka Komu,Ms Sari Rautio and Ms Mirja Vehkaperä.
Commission for Economic Policy (ECON):
The ECON commission’s Finnish members are Mr Mikko Aaltonen, Mr Anders Ekström and Mr Ilpo Heltimoinen.
Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC):
The SEDEC commission’s Finnish members are Ms Anne Karjalainen, Mr Mikko Aaltonen and Mr Markku Markkula (alternate Mr Jari Andersson).
Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional Affairs and External Relations (CIVEX):
The CIVEX commission’s Finnish members are Mr Pekka Komu (alternate Antti Kotti), Ms Niina Ratilainen and Ms Sari Rautio (alternate Ms Tarja Mäki-Punto-Ristanen).
Commission for Natural Resources (NAT):
The NAT commission’s Finnish members are MrAnders Ekström (alternate Marcus Måtar), Mr Ilpo Heltimoinen (alternate Carina Jäntti) and Ms Mirja Vehkaperä (alternate Pekka Myllymäki).
Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE):
The ENVE commission’s Finnish members are Ms Anne Karjalainen, Mr Markku Markkula and Ms Niina Ratilainen (alternate Ms Henna Partanen).
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Ulla Karvo
- enhancing and coordinating the Association’s EU lobbying in Helsinki together with the International Affairs Team
- coordinating the preparation of opinions to the EU
- acting as coordinator for the Committee of the Regions
- supporting the Brussels Office and developing its operations together with the Office’s director

Arja Puukko
- EU Committee of the Regions
- town twinning