+358 9 771 2342, +358 40 547 3944
Vitality, employment and regional development
+358 9 771 2174, +358 44 986 5114
+358 9 771 2092, +358 50 564 7892
+358 9 771 2071, +358 40 410 8814
+358 9 771 2072, +358 50 520 0902
Erja Lindberg
Development Manager, Employment Policy drafting and implementation, EU employment policy
+358 9 771 2497, +358 50 381 4096
Taina Väre
Senior Adviser, Rural Development and Small Municipalities
+358 9 771 2030, +358 50 462 7279
- Rural development
- Small municipalities
Annukka Mäkinen
Development Manager
+358 9 771 2530, +358 40 594 1252
- EU regional and structural policy
- national development of regions
- Baltic Sea region