Contact information

Markus Pauni

Markus Pauni

Director of Strategy and Development
+358 9 771 2049, +358 50 439 5612
  • director of the Strategy Unit
  • the Association's strategy and foresight and development activities
  • municipal policy and management
  • digitalisation and information society
Jaana Nevalainen
+358 9 771 2257, +358 50 448 5062
  • Specialist, lobbying and development tasks to enable the interoperability and use of information in municipalities.
  • Information flows and resources and the use of information in public administration.
  • EU lobbying and cooperation in digitalisation and information/data matters.
  • EU digital and data legislation from the perspective of the local government sector, project and thematic network.
Ulla Karvo
  • enhancing and coordinating the Association’s EU lobbying in Helsinki together with the International Affairs Team
  • coordinating the preparation of opinions to the EU
  • acting as coordinator for the Committee of the Regions
  • supporting the Brussels Office and developing its operations together with the Office’s director