Our international work

The AFCM Brussels Office marks 30 years

The Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities (AFCM) has engaged in lobbying at EU level for a long time: the year 2022 marks 30 years since the opening of our Brussels Office. We led the way already before Finland joined the EU.

Active lobbying in the EU is an increasingly important part of our activities at the AFCM. With an office in Brussels, we can cooperate closely with various networks and stakeholders. A physical presence in the city has proved to be the cornerstone of timely and effective lobbying.

We will celebrate this special year with events and on various channels throughout 2022. To mark the anniversary, we are organising a series of thematic events online and in Brussels. Experts from EU institutions, key stakeholder groups and the AFCM will be invited to discuss themes that are topical from the point of view of local government interests in the EU.

The first event was held at the end of February. The theme of the webinar was the European Green Deal. We heard a panel discussion with leading experts in the field sharing their views. The panel was also open to questions from the audience. The next thematic event will be in April around the theme of democracy. The theme in mid-June will be digitalisation.

The year's final thematic event will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities in October. There experts will talk about what influencing and lobbying the EU means in practice.

The anniversary will culminate in a festive reception at the end of November. At the reception, we will also present our special 30th anniversary publication, in which EU lobbying professionals share their views on the future of the EU and on other matters.  

The anniversary will also see programmes organised in Finland. In September, we will participate in the Municipal Fair, the country’s top event for the local government sector. The anniversary is highlighted in the Brussels Office communications and social media.

We hope to see you at our upcoming events!

30th Anniversary events

FebruaryThe first thematic event: A European Green Deal (online)
AprilThe second thematic event: Democracy
JuneThe third thematic event: A digital future
The Municipal Fair: Brussels office celebrates 30 years
OctoberThe fourth thematic event: Influencing the EU
NovemberFestive reception